12:55 am
The word HEALTH is derived from the word called HALE which means “whole”. These days it has
gotten all complicated. The amount of information without any context on social media regarding HEALTH
is immense. People are throwing the word everywhere to sell their products.
To keep it simple, HEALTH is all about internal happiness and aliveness with which you live and work.
HEALTH should be something that gives you freedom to enjoy the life to its fullest. It is that part of
life which gives you freedom, freedom to express yourself and create maximum positive impact in the
world. HEALTH ensures that your body and mind are assets for you. They are not the baggage that you have
to carry with you everywhere
These days we depend on blood tests and body check ups on regular basis. But the best way to
know you are healthy is by your awareness and inner feeling or you can call it intuition.
It is very simple your body always gives clue about what is going on within. Whenever something happens
outside the body, there are always certain changes happening within as well. Let’s say you ran a
marathon and next day you got your blood checked up, in 80-90% cases the RBC counts in the blood will
come out reduced than normal. So in that case body wants some rest with ample amount of nutrition to
speed up recovery work. I’ll provide you with two examples which will make things quite clear. For
example, you are feeling dull and tired without any reason in that case your body is telling you there
is something wrong happening within, in that case you really need to check what and how are you eating
your food or may be you haven’t got good amount of sleep. Another couple of examples could be when you
are feeling very happy and light without any reason or you are feeling and looking younger than your
age, in that case your body is naturally feeling HEALTHY.
Good health is all about quality lifestyle, optimum body and mind functioning and longevity. If you are able to maintain all the mentioned variables, we can say you are living a HEALTHY life.
1. First, we need to identify the sweet spot of our quality lifestyle. There is a general
guidelines for maintaining quality lifestyle but important thing is that we need to figure out what
works for us. Let’s say for someone 7 hours of sleep feels too low and for someone else he/she feels
more comfortable with 4 hours of sleep. The most important thing is to figure out what works for you be
it in your diet, exercise or sleep, this is called Bio-individuality.
2. Secondly, peak Body-Mind functioning can be achieved if you get your diet and nutrition right and can
include some exercise, yoga, meditation, practice gratitude or do something to improve yourself at the
start of the day. Again you need to find your process.
3. Once you got all the basis covered, now you just have to follow the process with little tweaks here
and there with DEDICATION and CONSISTENCY. If you are consistent in following your processes with
intensity, Longevity is a natural outcome of that.
If you are able to make your proper lifestyle and are able to follow that with intensity and
consistency, something fantastic can unfold for your health and wellbeing.
Apply and experience yourself and then comeback to this page and do let us know how are you feeling
after following, if you feel any sort of challenge feel free to connect.
Thank you